Thursday, February 11, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Delilah's Banana Bread

Delilah isn't all that crazy about vegetables so getting her to eat them is close to impossible. Occasionally she will open up for a few bites but they are too few and far between to fulfill the daily requirement. Then Grandma Jackie started baking all kinds of healthy goodness into a yummy banana bread that Delilah can't get enough of! If she could, she would live on breast milk and banana bread. (she almost kinda does actually!) Anyway, here are some pictures of her during one of her favorite parts of the day... morning! Sesame Street and banana bread make for one happy, and very cute little girl!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We got a blog!

We finally got a blog to post pics and stories to so everyone can see how awesome we are and how much fun we are having figuring out this whole parenting thing! Here is our first entry!

We just got over our first family stomach flu! It was really poor judgement on my part when I chose to take Delilah over to visit with her friend Thomas. He just had it a day or so before and his dad was right in the middle of it. I always feel immune thinking "I won't get it! Not me!" Boy was I wrong! Delilah got it first. We woke up on Wednesday morning to a crib full of vomit! By Thursday evening Randy and I were taking turns in the bathroom shedding pounds from both ends! A week later and Randy is down 10 lbs and I am down about 8 lbs! Not the healthiest way to lose weight but we're considering it a kind of consolation prize for the living hell we just suffered. Now we just need to exercise to keep it off!